NTPC School of Business
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  • Noida

NTPC School of Business

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  • Carrer Mantra Rank
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  • Fees
    INR 16 Lakh
  • Highest Placement
    INR 29 Lakh
  • Average Placement
    INR 12 Lakh
  • Date Posted


NTPC School of Business

NTPC School of Business

NTPC School of Business (NSB) operates under the aegis of NTPC Education and Research Society, a subsidiary of NTPC, and receives academic support from Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA). NTPC School of Business (NSB) offers two AICTE-approved programmes: Post Graduate Diploma in Management Executive and Post Graduate Diploma in Energy Management.

NTPC School of Business provides two AICTE-recognized programs: the Post Graduate Diploma in Management Executive (PGDM-E) and the Post Graduate Diploma in Energy Management (PGDM-EM). These courses are designed to enrich management learning and practice at all levels of decision making in the field of energy management.

Energy Management focuses on providing knowledge and value-added academic and research promotion services for sustainable development of the Indian economy.

PGDM (Energy Management)

Accordingly, it is committed to the advancement of management education, research, training and consultancy for the energy sector. NTPC School of Business (NSB) offers an AICTE-approved Post Graduate Diploma in Management specializing in Energy Management (PGDM-EM).

PGDM (Executive)

The PGDM (Executive) program consists of twelve months of classroom learning and six months of project work. The PGDM (Executive) program is ideally designed for professionals who wish to enhance their careers and develop visionary leadership in the energy sector.

Experience sharing seminars leading to peer learning and live industry project under expert guidance to enhance learning outcomes. These activities facilitate analysis of situations and application of skills in real business scenarios.


NTPC School of Business Doctoral Program is conducted in collaboration with Pandit Deendayal Energy University, Gandhinagar. This program is a logical way forward for the school; Based on its two AICTE-approved PGDM programmes; Expertise in energy management.

Areas such as business models, trade, markets and institutional mechanisms, regulations and policies to strengthen the energy sector, internalization of externalities, conventional and alternative energy sources and energy mix are among the essential emphases on which the school focuses.

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