MBA Opportunities in UK for Indian Students


The United Kingdom (UK) is the most attractive country for Indian Students for higher education. Students are provide with a wide range of skill sets, business and management. The United Kingdom (UK) provides 100+ MBA Colleges with different specializations such as business management, finance, accounting, marketing etc. The MBA  programme from UK has a lots of benefits :

1. Provide high quality education: The MBA programme from the UK has a global reputation for its education and has 4 out of 10 best MBA colleges are from UK.

2. Career opportunities: An MBA programme from UK  offers a wide range of career opportunities with top recruiters across the globe.

3. Globally recognised Universities: There are 100+ globally recognised universities in MBA with 4 top most colleges across the globe.

4. Advantage of Language: MBA programs are offered in English language.

5. One year MBA programme is also available in some universities.

Some of the most recognised private and public MBA colleges/Universities in UK are mentioned below:

1. University of Oxford: University of Oxford offers a 1 year MBA course and costs £71,540.


+ A Bachelor degree or equivalent.

+ GMAT/GRE Score

+ IELTS (minimum 7)

+ Minimum three years of work experience.

+ Strong application essay

+ Two Letter of recommendation

University of Cambridge: University of Cambridge One of the best universities it offers students the highest employment prospectus with a course cost of  £64,000.


+ A bachelor degree or equivalent.



+ Minimum four years of work experience

+ Two Letter of recommendation

London buissness schools: It offers an MBA programme of 15-21 months with a course fee of £97,000.


+ A bachelor degree or equivalent



+ Minimum three years of work experience

+ Letter of recommendation

University of Warwick: University of Warwick offers a one year full time MBA course which cost £49,550.The executive MBA take two years with cost fee of £49,900.


+ A bachelor degree or equivalent



+ Minimum two years of work experience

+ Letter of recommendation

Lancaster University: Lancaster University  is the best in the world for its corporate strategy teaching and it's full time MBA cost £32000 and £39000 for international students.


+ A bachelor degree or equivalent



+ Minimum three years of work experience.

Cranfield University: 


+ A Bachelor degree or equivalent.



+ Minimum five years of work experience

+ Letter of recommendation

Durham University: Durham University offers you a full time MBA of 1 year and costs £35000.


+ A Bachelor degree or equivalent.



+ Minimum three years of work experience

+ Letter of recommendation

There are excellent scholarship options for MBA Students such as government funded and private scholarship that help them to achieve their dream. Some of the scholarships are mentioned here: Chevening Scholarship it offers full funding for PG degrees including MBA.

1. Common wears scholarship and fellowship

2. Greats scholarship for students of India

There are some private scholarship as well offered by different foundation and universities some of them are:

Inlaks scholarship by Shivdasani foundation, Felix Scholarship for underprivileged students for universities like Oxford, University of London.

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