CDS Full Form: What is The Full Form of CDS Exam? Get Complete Information From Here

CDS Full Form: What is The Full Form of CDS Exam? Get Complete Information From Here

CDS Full Form: What is The Full Form of CDS Exam? Get Complete Information From Here

CDS Full Form: CDS stands for Combined Defence Services. It is an exam conducted twice a year by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) to recruit candidates for IMA (Indian Military Academy), INA (Indian Naval Academy), AFA (Air Force Academy) and OTA (Officers Training Academy). Read complete details of CDS exam in the article below.

CDS Full Form in Army: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts the CDS exam to select candidates for admission to the Indian Military Academy (IMA), Indian Naval Academy (INA), Air Force Academy (AFA) and Officers Training Academy (OTA). The full name of CDS is Combined Defence Services Examination. While some people also call the full name of CDS as Chief of Defence Staff, this rank is given to the head of the Indian Armed Forces.

CDS Defence Exam Highlights: 

Name of ExamCombined Defence Services Examination
Conducted ByUnion Public Service Commission (UPES)
Exam FrequencyTwice in a Year (April and September)
Exam ModeOffline
Exam StagesWritten Exam and SSB Interview
No. of Questions

340 ( Elementary Maths:100, General English:120,  General Knowledge:120 )

CDS Defence Examination: Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the CDS exam, candidates must fulfil the following CDS eligibility criteria.

The Combined Defence Services (CDS) exam is conducted twice a year by the Union Public Services Commission (UPSC) to recruit officers for the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force. The eligibility criteria for the exam are given below:

1. Combined Defence  Services Exam Nationality: A candidate must be

+ A citizen of India, or 

+ A subject of Nepal/Bhutan, or 

+ A Tibetan refugee who came to India before January 1, 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India, or 

+ A person of Inian origin (PIO) who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, and East African countries (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, or Vietnam) with the intention of permanently settling in India.

2. CDS Exam: Age Limit, Marital Status & Gender

AcademyAge LimitMarital StatusGender
Indian Mallitry Academy (IMA)19-24 YearsUnmarriedMale
Indian Naval Academy (INA)19-24 YearsUnmarriedMale
Air Force Academy (AFA)20-24 Years ( up to 26 years if holding a valid Commercial Pilot Licence)

Unmarried (up to 26 years if holding a valid Commercial Pilot Licence)

Officers Training Academy (OTA-SSC Men & Woman Non-Technical)  19-25 YearsUnmarriedMale & Female 

Important Note: 

+ The age limit is calculated as of January 1st or July 1st of the exam year.

+ Candidates below 25 years must be unmarried. 

+ Married candidates above 25 years (for AFA) can apply but will not be provided accommodation during training.

3. Combined Defence Exam: Educational Qualification

AcademyEducational Qualification
Indian Mallitry Academy (IMA)Bachelors Degree From A Recognized University
Indian Naval Academy (INA)B.E./B.Tech from a recognized university/institution
Air Force Academy (AFA)Bachelor’s degree (with Physics & Mathematics at 10+2 level) or B.E./B.Tech
Officers Training Academy (OTA)Bachelors Degree From A Recognized University

Important Note:

+ Final year students can apply, provided they produce proof of having passed the SSB interview beforehand.

+ There is no specific percentage requirement, but a degree from a recognised university is mandatory.

4. Physical and Medical Standards

+ Candidates must meet the physical and medical fitness standards prescribed by the respective academies. The main requirements include:

+ Height and Weight: Minimum height for men (157.5 cm for Army, 157 cm for Navy, 162.5 cm for Air Force); for women (152 cm for OTA).


+ Army/Navy: 6/6 in one eye and 6/9 in the other (correctable with glasses).

+ Air Force: 6/6 in both eyes without glasses, Myopia ≤ -0.75 D, Hypermetropia ≤ +1.5 D.

+ Other Medical Conditions: No chronic illness, no deformity, and must pass a hearing test.

Additional Notes:

+ Women candidates can only apply for OTA (SSC Non-Technical).

+ Permanent body tattoos are allowed only on the inner forearm and non-saluting side of the hand (religious exemptions apply).

+ Candidates must clear SSB interviews and medical tests before final selection.

Combined Defence Services Exam (CDS Exam): Selection Process & Exam Pattern 

Combined Defence Services (CDS) Exam is conducted by UPSC in three stages: 

1. Written Examination 

2. SSB (Service Selection Board) Interview 

3. Medical Examination & Final Merit List 

CDS Written Examination Pattern: 

The written exam consists of objective-type (MCQs) and is conducted in offline mode (Pen & Paper).  


English2 Hours100
General Knowledge2 Hours100
Elementary Mathematics 2 Hours100
Total6 Hours300

For Officers’ Training Academy (OTA)

SubjectDuration Marks
English2 Hours100
General Knowledge2 Hours100
Total4 Hours200

Combined Defence Services Exam: Marking Scheme

I) +1 mark for each correct answer.

II) 0.33 (1/3rd) negative marking for each incorrect answer.

III) No marks deducted for unanswered questions.

SSB Interview (Personality & Intelligence Test)

Candidates who qualify in the written exam are called for the SSB Interview, which lasts 5 days and is conducted in two stages:

Stage 1: Screening Test

Officer Intelligence Rating (OIR) Test (Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning) 

Picture Perception & Description Test (PPDT) – Story writing & discussion 

(Only shortlisted candidates move to Stage 2)

Stage 2: Psychological & Group Testing

I) Psychological Tests (Thematic Apperception Test, Word Association Test, etc.) 

II) GTO (Group Testing Officer) Tasks (Group discussions, outdoor tasks, command tasks) 

III) Personal Interview (One-on-one with the interviewing officer) 

IV) Conference (Final assessment by the SSB board)

Stage 3: Medical Examination & Final Merit List

I) Candidates who clear SSB Interview undergo a medical fitness test.

II) The final merit list is prepared based on marks in Written Exam + SSB Interview.

III) Selected candidates join respective academies for training.

Post By : Anjali Singh , 2025-02-14 22:33:53

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